Saturday, August 4, 2012

No camera :(

I have such terrible news!
My camera broke :( wahhhhh >.<
I bought that camera for black friday for 49 USD. It was a good deal, maybe that's why it was so cheap!
I have been trying to think of new ideas for mail art. I only have old magazines laying around. I made a few envelopes and this is what I made. :)

Sorry they are backwards, I had to use my webcam! My cell phone camera is poor (wish I had a smart phone like all the cool kids).
I will keep trying with this, I'm no expert. I sent many letters today and I hope I get replies. I sent my very good friend, Dora a postcard of Salt Lake City. 
Also I bought some nice stamps of bonsai plants. I wish it wasn't so pricey to send letters overseas!


  1. I love your mail art! Especially the ones with the vintage pictures. That's so neat. I love vintage! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you don't mind me following yours:)


    1. That really means a lot to me, especially coming from you (I adore your mail art). I was just experimenting pretty much haha and I liked the result.
